Youth Express On the Right Track
Arming young people with the tools to confidently engage in
Education, Community and Work
What is our mission?
About Youth Express
Youth Express is a registered not-for profit and Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) charity. We have supported young people in the Hunter through various programs since 1993.
We deliver a range of programs that encourage strong and sustainable links amongst our key stakeholders: Young People, Education Providers, Business/Industry, Parents and the Community.
Our services are delivered within the Maitland, Cessnock, Singleton, Muswellbrook, Scone, Port Stephens & Dungog regions.
Government Funded Programs:
- Work Placements
- Building Local Opportunities for Our Mob (BLOOM) The program is to assist with First Nations people in the pursuit of Training and Employment
- Young Deadly & Life Ready (YDLR)
- The Nyugumba Indigenous Men’s Program aims to reduce family violence within the Raymond Terrace, Port Stephens, Karuah and Newcastle areas.
- School Support Services
- STEAM Shack
- Learn to Work
- Moving On
- Validate Me
- Skills4Life
- Industry Excursion and Inspiration Visits
- Career Quests
- Work Preparation Workshops
- Teacher Professional Learning (TPL): Networking and Industry Visits
Robert Beggs and Peter Hilder Awards
Youth Express hosts the annual Robert Beggs and Peter Hilder Awards to recognise the achievements of VET students, teachers and businesses across the Hunter. In recognition of Robert Beggs passion and commitment to Vocational Education, nominations are received from schools and staff to honor those who show outstanding commitment to VET work.
Awards are held at the end of each school year and bring together students and their families, community members, school representatives, business and industry partners.
H-YTAG: The Hunter Youth Transition Advisory Group
Youth Express facilitate quarterly meetings for the H-YTAG committee who represent key stakeholders in supporting young people . The Hunter Youth Transition Advisory Group (H-YTAG) is an opportunity for industry, education, community and government, to partner and collaborate to achieve positive results for our young people to transition from education to employment.
We invite stakeholders to participate in a consultative meeting and also have the opportunity to present feedback and insight into program development. By holding a consultative committee the focus is shifted to the issue at hand and members feel engaged and motivated to provide positive suggestions. We continually accept new members and look forward to positive advocacy in the future.
Local Schools Engaged
Further Education Providers
Businesses Involved
Youth Express reports, media and community updates:
Youth Express’s Annual Robert Begg’s Vocational Education and Training (VET) Teacher Recognition (2019)
Youth Week Recognition (2019)
Youth Express supports Kings Engineering open day for new apprentices (2018)
Youth Express’ SWITCH Mentoring Program delivers great results for Hunter high school students (2017)
Labor candidate Meryl Swanson promises youth unemployment round-table (2016)
Youth Express targets youth unemployment rate in the Hunter (2016)
We develop lasting relationships between students, workers, educational facilities & local business.
Our Feedback Speaks For Itself.
“They found the right staff for the job and always followed up”
The Cellar Restaurant
Andy and Janet Wright, Owners/Managers
“Youth Express helped us to gain access to our future workforce”
Big W Greenhills
Cory Krake, Store Manager.
At our core is a team of passionate YOUTH Education, Training & Career Specialists