Youth Express for Business

Access your future workforce, today!

Hunter businesses that link with Youth Express have greater access to young employees.



Don’t spend thousands of dollars on recruitment, only to employ the wrong person.


Our recruitment team are confident that they can source the correct person for your business.


We’ll continue to work with you to assist with ongoing training & employment opportunities.

We deliver ‘tailored to youth’ services through a selection of  

Innovative Youth Programs

eQUIPD Magazine

EQUIPD is a complete reference tool for students doing career and work-study courses and subjects. Using eQUIPD allows students to reach a greater understanding of their personality traits and skills.

Access your future workforce today!

Make the difference!

Over 10,000 young people are currently participating in courses that will help them get a trade or other job in metals, automotive, construction, electrical, retail, IT, hospitality and primary industry.

Speak to a YOUTH Education, Training & Career Specialist

Call Youth Express
02 4931 2777