Work Placement

Youth Express coordinate work placements for students all over the Hunter Valley. Work Placement is a mandatory component of thirteen industry-based vocational education and training (VET) courses, that students can choose as part of their NSW Higher School Certificate.

Career Transition & Support

We offer a range of career and transition support services to all schools in the Hunter Region. Services are designed to support Career Education and VET programs to encourage successful transitioning of students from school to further education & employment.

School Based Apprenticeships & Traineeships

School based apprenticeships and traineeships provide students with the opportunity to attain a nationally recognised VET qualification as well as their Higher School Certificate (HSC). Students can gain valuable work skills and experience through part-time paid employment.


Schools can join Youth Express as a MEMBER SCHOOL and see the benefits in your students.

SWITCH Employability Skills ©

SWITCH Re-Engagement Program ©

Validate Me Well-Being Program ©

Career Quest Event ©

Skills 4 Life Workshops ©

Virtual Reality (VR)

Career Connect Workshops ©

Career Preparation ©

Career Connect Industry Tours ©

Uni or TAFE Tour ©

Money Matters ©

Coordination of Work Experience

Industry links & information

Access to Youth Express meeting rooms, conference room & bus

Member School buy in is a minimum of $8000 plus GST per annum.
Workshops, events and programs are available for individual purchase. Make an appointment today to discuss your school’s needs.

Indigenous Advancement Strategy

Youth Express works closely with Aboriginal communities and schools across the Hunter and Central Macquarie regions. The Indigenous Advancement Strategy creates opportunities for young Aboriginal people

A strong individual = strong family = strong community

What Schools Say About Youth Express

“The Career Development Services offered by Youth Express have had an extremely positive impact on the students of Rutherford Technology High School. Over the last 4 years, we have worked closely with the dedicated staff at Youth Express. Through the use of the Careers Quest event and the Mobile Career Resource Unit our students have developed a vastly heightened sense of career awareness than they otherwise would have had. “

– Toby Butler, Head Teacher Vocational Education and Training
Rutherford Technology High School

“Through the Career Development Package Maitland Grossmann High School has been provided with outstanding support, assistance and guidance in career choice and opportunity for all students. The commitment of the professional personnel of Youth Express have allowed us to provide exemplary career information, motivation and access far above what schools could ordinarily provide.”

– Dr Di Soltau, Principal
Maitland Grossmann High School

Speak to a YOUTH Education, Training & Career Specialist

Call Youth Express
02 4931 2777