Moving On
If you need help moving on successfully from school to work, Youth Express has a range of services to help you with this transition.
Employment & Training opportunities.
Our career professionals provide training in employment paths, allowing you to identify and seize career development opportunities. Register here to receive weekly listings:
Job search mentoring.
Finding the right job is half the challenge. We will mentor you in everything related to finding the right job in a range of industries.
How to seek, apply for and get jobs.
We can guide you on the whole education to employment process, giving you the tools you need to find and land your dream job.

Preparation and confidence building.
Our goal is for you to walk into an job interview prepared and confident. We provide info that will help you get and ace the interview.
Interview training.
Know what to expect in an interview. We will engage in practice interviews so you can become familiar with the whole process.
Tailored resumes and updates.
A well presented resume is often the first step in landing an interview. Our experts will show you how to build and update a stand out resume.