Youth Express is seeking Strategic Partners, Corporate Sponsorship and Donations to support our youth outreach initiatives in the Hunter Valley region of NSW.
“Less than 15% of students waiting to receive their ATAR in 2018 believe the system prepares them for their next career pathway; More than 65% say their educational experience had not prepared them for life after school.” ( Year 13 Survey,2018)
Our Purpose:
We image a world where:
- Every young person can be their best
- Every young person identifies their true direction
- Every applicant is worthy for employment
- Every apprentice and trainee completes
- All young people get a great start in life
- All young people are successful.
Why Partner:
- Community public relations and marketing support
- Workforce development, skills development and early aspiration building of local young people in the Hunter Valley
- Social service and community giving
- Access to survey data and quarterly reports measuring reach and impact
- Meet philanthropy objectives in supporting youth, the disadvantaged, Indigenous and community support through education
- Help prevent unskilled and under-engaged workforce
- Volunteering opportunities for staff to engage with programs through mentorship, event support and fundraising.
Our Programs:
- Enhance awareness and outreach of career and educational opportunities in the Hunter
- Support wellbeing of youth and community members by building confidence through new and engaging experiences
- Support school curriculum through project based learning
- Increase aspirations and build employability skill sets of youth and community members
- Build partnerships with business, industry, education providers that will be sustained and ongoing.
We value strategic partners that support our community and have common visions in supporting our youth. We believe all young people have the potential to thrive and engage in meaningful ways in their community. Sponsors are recognized through brand awareness and name recognition in line with their sponsor level.
How you can help:
- Volunteer your time and share your industry knowledge and advice at an event, program or activity
- Host a work placement student to support a young person completing thier mandatory hours of indsutry experience
- Donate, sponsor or fundraise for services supporting young people in the Hunter
- Consider us next time you recruite for your entry level employment, trainee or apprenticeship
Contact us today to learn more and we can create a package that meets your needs.
Platinum Sponsors and Donors

Gold Sponsors and Donors

Silver Sponsors and Donors

Bronze Sponsors and Donors

Government Partners

Thank You!
We offer our warmest thanks to the over 3,000 local businesses that volunteer their time and support our programs. These businesses engage our young people through work placements, work experience, entry level employment, traineeships, apprenticeships, workplace tours, and serve as guest speakers during: Teacher Network Days, Career Quests, Life Skills, SWITCHed On Mentoring, Links to Learning, IAS and VTEC workshops.
“The future depends on what you do today.”
Mahatma Gandhi