Work Placement through Youth Express
Youth Express coordinate work placements for approximately 2000 students from 28 high schools in the Hunter Valley each year.
Work placement is a mandatory component of industry-based vocational education and training (VET) courses, that students can choose as part of their studies for the NSW Higher School Certificate.
The Board Endorsed Courses (BEC) work placement component varies – for more information click here

Work Placement for Students
Students who undertake mandatory work placement have the opportunity to gain valuable skills and hands on experience in the workplace. Structured workplace learning can give students a taste of what it’s like to work in a range of industry areas, including:
- Automotive
- Business Service
- Financial Services
- Hospitality
- Retail Services
- Human Services
- Information and Digital Technology
- Construction
- Primary Industry
- Tourism, Travel and Events
- Entertainment Industries
- Electrotechnology
Work Placement for Businesses
Businesses that host work placement opportunities are supporting young people during their completion of their VET (Vocational Education & Training) pathway during their senior high school studies.
On successful completion of their VET course these student will obtain a national recognised qualification.
Benefits to your business:
- Assess the potential of young workers before engaging them in formal employment
- Provide professional development opportunities for your staff by having them train and mentor young people
- Contribute to the education of your future workforce by offering ‘real world’ learning opportunities
If you’re interested in becoming a host employer or would like more information, call one of our Structured Workplace Learning Coordinators on (02) 4931 2777 or contact us online.